informed - High Throughput Screening with NMR                                     Back

Now that MicroFlow NMR lets you acquire spectra with a small amount of material in a small amount of time, you can use NMR as a high throughput screening tool alongside mass spectrometry.  As targets gleaned from genomics efforts are increasingly considered, there will be more situations where function and structure are unknown or poorly understood.  In the absence of existing functional assays, rapid NMR methods that characterize binding will increase in importance as a substitute for primary or secondary assays.  If a compound binds tightly and specifically, it has good prospects as drug--binding becomes a proxy for pharmacological effect.  The availability of rapid and robust NMR Ligand Binding Assays will serve as a useful secondary screen to verify and provide more detailed information compared to established assay techniques.


Supported Operations

  • Loading of Targets and Leads
  • Low Dead Volume Mixing

Supported Studies

  • Protein-Ligand Binding with NMR
  • Binding Constant Determination

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  Manage NMR Spectral Libraries  

Need a second shift to get the work done?  The 1mm MicroFlow NMR probe is 100 times faster than a conventional 5mm probe for the same amount of material.  Using only microliters of your precious sample, MicroFlow NMR reduces proton spectral acquisition times to as little as two minutes, enabling you to complete a 96-well plate in an overnight run.

Get ready!  Now that MicroFlow NMR is fast, automated and sample- and reagent-efficient, it won’t be long before new projects and a flood of new samples comes your way.   If you are in Discovery, chances are your company will gather NMR spectra on each and every drug lead.  When your development colleagues hear about it, they will bring you more metabolite and impurity samples.  If your company sells reagents or libraries, you will soon be adding NMR to your certificates of compliance.  Protasis can help you keep up today.  Get started on your HT-NMR future today

  Protein-Ligand Binding


New techniques to study receptor-ligand interaction, such as Saturation Transfer Detection (STD) methods, show advantages over diffusion based methods, most notably in their overall sample and concentration requirements.  Proteins can be magnetized and then presented with multiple drug leads.  If binding occurs, energy is transferred from receptor to ligand allowing the bound drug lead’s spectra to pop up like a beacon announcing a hit!  Requiring no special preparation, MicroFlow NMR lets you rapidly screen your small molecule libraries against new protein targets.  Overall, NMR binding assay methods show promise as a general lead identification tool and may be particularly useful in screening genomics targets where functional assays are not available.  Protasis/Novatia software automates the liquid handling, mixing, spectral acquisition and archiving.