It makes both practical and economic sense to utilize your NMR system investment to the greatest extent possible. For some, this may translate to being able to accommodate a variety of different probes tailored to different applications and different users. For others, this may mean offering a walk-up resource that can accept samples from a variety of users, prepared using a variety of solvents, with software to manage the workflow in an automated and efficient manner. The Protasis CapNMR probe is installed into and removed from the magnet in a matter of minutes. Due both the size of the NMR flowcell and the materials design employed, the probe shims with only a handful of the dominant-order shims in a fraction of the time required to shim conventional probes. Protasis microflow automation systems support the CapNMR probe by providing highly accurate, microplate and microvial microfluidics modules with web-based automation software for walk-up, multi-solvent applications. These systems support electronic reporting options that will deliver experimental results directly to the inbox of your (or your customer’s) email. The CapNMR probes and systems operate without the need for complicated refrigeration and cooling platforms, and are easy to maintain. Efficient utilization of your NMR system resource to get data fast and inexpensively – the microflow way.