A 24-hr run of protonated acetonitrile in a conventional flow system (1 mL/min) is approximately $16/day, with ¾ of a liter consumed, plus the additional amounts required for cleaning and rinsing conventional-scale plumbing. Similar numbers apply for tube-based approaches, where typically a liquid handler is employed up-stream for automated loading of the tubes with sample. A 24-hr run of higher quality, deuterated acetonitrile in a capillary flow system (5 mL/min) is approximately $10/day, with less than 5 mL consumed. Cleaning and rinsing steps require proportionally less than conventional scale as well. The order-of-magnitude difference in solvent utilization is equally true on the back-end of the process as well, where disposal procedures and disposal costs must be accommodated. The purposeful choice of a system that uses ten-fold less solvent yields economic advantage to help you run your lab more efficiently, to invest your resources where they are most needed, and to maintain a responsible position with regard to the disposal of biohazardous materials -advantages of the microflow approach that go beyond mere economics.