Simple, Smooth Flowpath

Protasis probes and fluidics systems employ highly accurate and tightly calibrated capillary-scale transfer lines made of fused silica or FEP TeflonÒ for transfer of the sample from the point of injection into the probe.  These lines provide a cleanly swept flowpath, and preserve sample concentration and volume as the sample traverses several meters of length from the point of injection to the NMR flowcell.  This translates to optimal performance and high signal-to-noise ratio, using a system that is easy to maintain and easy to understand.  At Protasis, we don’t believe that high performance requires high technological complexity.  Rather, we believe that the simplicity of our design offers operational advantages that lead to functional benefits and enable more complicated experimental protocols to be successfully applied.  Said differently, we think that the emphasis on complexity should rest with how our instrumentation enables your complicated experimental protocols, and not with the operation or maintenance of the instrument itself.