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High Throughput Natural Products
Discovery chemists might have the world's supply of a novel molecule in a single microplate well.  The ability to obtain complete spectra from a single drop using capillary NMR lets them work faster with the material they have, without going back to the rain forest or ocean floor to get more.  But with millions of possibilities out there, these discovery researchers need reliable automation to keep pace with the demands of their search.

MicroSynthesis with Structure Confirmation
Once you've found a promising natural or rational lead, you'll need to synthesize it and possibly hundreds of variations.  The reagent and time cost of all of these combinations can be prohibitive.  Increasingly, Discovery researchers are scaling down.  One-Minute NMR can confirm these synthesis products quickly and efficiently without only tiny amounts of valuable samples.  Even these small amounts can be recollected also.
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HT-NMR Screening
Screen for signs of activity using small amounts of protein and ligand.  Perfect for finding strong binding candidates for further screening.  New Saturation Transfer Detection techniques work by monitoring simple line broadening events on the ligand.  MicroFlow NMR requires the smallest volume of sample (i.e., a few microliters) of any NMR technique.  That means you don't have to worry about taking too much from existing drug lead libraries. And you can still recover all of your sample if you need to.
Metabolites with DFGF Pre-Concentration
Hepatocyte incubations are gaining more importance in the early stages of metabolite investigations.  Due to small incubation size, however, the absolute amount of metabolite is limited and such samples suggest themselves for analysis using the MicroFlow NMR probe.  The added use of fully deuterated solvents results in higher spectral quality with the need for complex suppression.

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Trace Impurities
Solvent peaks look like sequoias in the spectra from a conventional volume probe.  Put your trace analytes into a MicroFlow NMR probe and their spectral features will 'pop' into focus.  Our solenoid coil architecture will give you better resolution and lower noise.  And the intrinsic high sensitivity of microcoils will give you the highest mass sensitivity attainable.
Biofluids:  Human Serum and Urine
Research interest in diagnostic screening of serum and urine is increasing rapidly.  So is the number of samples.  OneMinuteNMR breaks the speed barrier holding NMR back in these emerging applications.  A single flowcell can process one thousand 1H-NMR spectra per day at low cost/sample..  Need more?  Get our dual flowcell probe and double that.
Biofluids: Sample-Limited Research
Most NMR research is constrained by the time or funds required to collect or grow or synthesize sufficient sample.  Now you can perform metabonomics on a single drop of mouse urine.  Or get spectra from fifty fireflies instead of five hundred.  Imagine the new studies you could do if you were not worried about the amount of sample required.  Get published faster!

Efficient NMR Automation.  One-Minute NMR

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